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Veterans Upward Bound

Veterans Upward Bound (VUB) is a TRIO program designed specifically to serve the needs of today’s veterans. VUB offers a unique range of services to prepare participants for renewing their formal education, whether at a two-year college, four-year university or a vocational/technical school. All services are free of charge, including instruction, advising, textbooks and supplies.

What is Veterans Upward Bound?

Veterans Upward Bound is a no-cost program designed specifically to serve the needs of today’s veterans. VUB offers a unique range of services to prepare participants for renewing their formal education, whether at a two-year college, four-year university or a vocational/technical school. All services are provided free of charge, including instruction, advising, textbooks and supplies.

Metropolitan Community College Veterans Upward Bound serves veterans in Douglas, Sarpy, Dodge and Washington counties. Our office is located on the Metropolitan Community College, South Omaha Campus in the Center For Advanced Manufacturing (CAM) building, room 100Q.

When Can I Start?

The goal of VUB is to prepare you to begin or return to school. The ideal time to start is at least the quarter before you intend to enroll in classes.

Who is Eligible to Participate in VUB?

To be eligible, participants must be:

  • Veterans with a least 180 days of active duty service, or if less than 180 days, must be discharged or released because of a service connected disability; or
  • Members of a reserve component of the U.S. Armed Forces called to active duty for a period of more than 30 days; or
  • Members of a reserve component of the U.S. Armed Forces who served on active duty in support of a contingency operation on or after September 11, 2001

Veterans must also meet at least one of the following criteria:

  • Meet federal low-income guidelines
  • Be a first-generation college student (neither parent completed a four-year college degree)
  • Are a veteran at risk of academic failure
What Services Does VUB Offer?

What Services Does VUB Offer?

  • Academic skills assessments
  • Academic bootcamps
  • Academic refresher courses
  • Math
  • Literature
  • Laboratory Science
  • Foreign Languages
  • Composition
  • Computer Skills
  • Reading
  • Assistance completing college admission forms
  • FAFSA completion events
  • Personal academic advising
  • Career guidance and planning
  • Assistance with military education benefits
  • Assistance completing financial aid applications and finding scholarships
  • Cultural field trips and college visits
  • Tutoring and mentoring
  • Referrals to other community agencies serving veterans
  • Participation in veterans parade
Who Can I Contact at VUB?

James Hawthrone, III
Director, Veterans Upward Bound
Office Phone:  531-622-4718
Metropolitan Community College
South Omaha Campus
Center for Advanced Manufacturing
2909 Edward Babe Gomez Avenue
Omaha, NE  68107