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Title IX prohibits educational institutions from discrimination on the basis of sex, which includes pregnancy, childbirth, false pregnancy, termination of pregnancy, or recovery from related conditions.

This information is provided both to inform and remind the College community of the institution’s obligation not to discriminate against students on the basis of pregnancy, childbirth and related conditions. Metropolitan Community College must give all students who might be, are, or have been pregnant the same access to school programs and educational opportunities that other students have. Absences due to medical conditions relating to pregnancy must be excused for as long as medically necessary. The student must be given the opportunity to make up missed work, with the goal of having the student graduate on time; if possible, and if desired by the student.  These rules supersede any classroom based attendance policy/practices regarding allowable numbers of absences.

A school may offer the student alternatives to making up missed work, such as retaking a quarter, or allowing the student additional time in a program, or allowing the student additional time in a program to continue at the same pace and finish at a later date, especially after longer periods of leave.

Requesting and Receiving Services
  1. Students who need accommodation for their pregnancy or pregnancy related-condition should submit the Pregnancy and Childbirth Accommodation Request form.
  2. Student uploads appropriate documentation from the treating medical provider and their due date, any restrictions, and any other pertinent information. For adoption or foster care placement, letters from the placement agency, overseeing organization, etc. would be helpful to upload.
  3. Student meets with a Disability Support Services or Advocacy Counselor. This can be done in person, virtually, or by phone.
  4. The counselor works with the student to evaluate needed supports and/or accommodations.
  5. Disability Support Services Counselor will communicate with faculty the approved accommodations and assists with implementation and questions related to extensions, approved time out of classes and returning to classes.

NOTE: Pregnant students are encouraged to seek assistance for excused absences or accommodations as quickly as possible. Some options and accommodations cannot be retroactively applied. Pregnant students seeking assistance during the quarter of enrollment will have better options than those notifying the College of their situation after the quarter has ended.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is my absence excused if my doctor’s appointment conflicts with a scheduled class?

Yes, if the appointment is related to your pregnancy. You are responsible for informing your instructor prior to your appointment. You are encouraged to schedule your appointments at times that do not conflict with your class schedule, whenever possible. If you plan to provide a doctor’s note, it should only be submitted to a Disability Support Services counselor.

Do I need to drop my class if my doctor puts me on bed rest?

Not necessarily, as discussion will need to occur between you and the Disability Support Services Counselor or Advocacy Counselor to determine options for your unique situation and course load.

Who do I notify if I am absent because of delivery and recovery?

Notify the Disability Support Services Counselor/Advocacy Counselor and your instructors.

Is a student allowed to bring a child to class?

Unless appropriate to course content, children should not be brought into a class/lab or left unattended elsewhere on campus.

The reference materials for these guidelines are offered in the pamphlet Supporting the Academic Success of Pregnant and Parenting Students by the Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights, June 2013.

Lactation Support Information

The MCC Lactation Support Program promotes a supportive environment for students needing to express milk for a nursing baby while at work or school, provided:

  • Students make reasonable efforts to pump between classes or outside of instruction time.
  • Students who need to use the lactation room during a portion of their class period, should request should set up lactation accommodations through Disability Support Services.
  • Instructors and students work together to identify solutions for making up in-class work or participation credits, as well as instruction missed.

Lactation, meditation, and gender-neutral restroom locations

Elkhorn Valley Campus

  • Room 121 – student lactation/meditation
  • Room 332A – for staff lactation/meditation

Fort Omaha Campus

  • Building 10, Room 121 – wellness room for lactation/meditation
  • Building 10, Room 123 – family restroom
  • Building 23, Room 164 – lactation
  • Building 23, Room 353 – meditation
  • Building 23, Room 253 – family restroom
  • Building 24, Room 109 – gender-neutral restroom

South Omaha Campus

  • Connector, Room 117 – lactation
  • Connector, Room 248 – meditation/prayer
  • Connector, Room 171 – gender-neutral restroom

MCC Locations

  • Applied Technology Center, Room 101
  • MCC South Express, Room 113 – lactation/meditation
  • MCC Fremont Center, Room 216A – lactation/meditation
  • MCC Sarpy Center, Room 131 – lactation/meditation

Any member of the Metropolitan Community College community may report a violation of this procedure to the Title IX Coordinator.

Additional Resources Related To Pregnancy and Childbirth

The reference materials for these guidelines are offered in the pamphlet Supporting the Academic Success of Pregnant and Parenting Students by the Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights, June 2013.